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my.mbn user data: 14 attended this show; 4 have a recording. « prev | next »
Retreive Audio  July 14, 2005 (thu) - Sweetwater Saloon - Mill Valley, CA ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings

1:  I'm Still Here; Limbo In Lovelock; Copenhagen; Home Sweet Home; Jackmormon Mother; Gumboots; Idaho Pines; (The Trial Of) John Walker Lindh; Evolution

2:  Summertime Gal; Worth Waiting; Butch & Peggy; Red Clay Halo; Lochs Of Dread; Take Me Home; Silas; Guns Or Butter; Sophronie; Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You; Poison Oak; Angeline The Baker > Cindy

E1:  Firefly; June Apple

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