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Retreive Audio  December 01, 2007 (sat) - Higher Ground - Burlington, VT ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings
- Reverend Peytons' Big Damn Band opened
Show Poster

1:  Pay Yer Dues; Honey Be; Kissin' Cousins; Roll River Roll; Lighten Up Your Load; Right Between Your Eyes > Homeless Man Blues; Possum*; Honkytonk Tequila*^; Cherokee Shuffle*

2:  Swing & Sway; Golden Days^; Beneath The Blossoms^#; Summertime Gal; Evolution* > Molly Put The Kettle On* > Evolution*; Bliss Monkeys*; Gumboots^; Guns Or Butter^; I'll Be Your Baby Tonight; Rather Be Blind*^$@; In These Parts

E1:  Firefly; Amanda Lynn

* w/ Adam Frehm (Smokin' Grass) on dobro
^ w/ Erik on archtop guitar
# w/ Aaron on electric mandolin
$ w/ all of Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band
@ w/ Nat on cymbal

- show was simulcasted live over the internet via MoreButter Radio (www.morebutter.net/radio)

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