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my.mbn user data: 26 attended this show; 4 have a recording. « prev | next »
Retreive Audio  May 04, 2007 (fri) - Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom - Denver, CO ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings
- Victor Barnes opened

1:  Green Drop; Return Someday; Limbo In Lovelock > Guns Or Butter; Beneath The Blossoms; Be Kind Boys; Brokedown*; Sing Me A River; Gumboots; The Crest

2:  community billboard^; What To Do^; Cherokee Shuffle; Bit By Bit; Naked Blue > Silas; California Snow & Rain; Loose Lucy; Sifting Through The Ruins; Idaho Pines; Jackmormon Mother; Summertime Gal; You Ain't Goin' Nowhere; Sugaree#

E1:  Hugs, Not Handshakes*; Back in the Goodle Days; Angeline The Baker# > Cindy#

* first time played
^ w/ Uncle Rodney on vocals; without Nat
# w/ Adam Galblum on fiddle

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