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No Audio Available  June 19, 2010 (sat) - FIBArk Whitewater Festival - Salida, CO ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings

1:  Something New; Busted In Utah; Like The French*; Ramblin' Girl*; Summertime Gal* > Walls Of Time* > Summertime Gal*; Entangled*; Rocky Raccoon; Cody

2:  butter award^; Swing & Sway; Let It Fall; Two Loose Cannons; Butch & Peggy; Tear My Stillhouse Down; Up On Cripple Creek; In These Parts; Blue Night

E1:  Lulu > Limbs Akimbo

- entire show without Aaron and with Adam Galblum on fiddle

* w/ Steve Molitz (Particle) on keys
^ awarded to Jackson Bahn (river guide)

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