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HBR composer:   Nat Keefe
times played:   total: 88 
first: 09/25/01
last: 01/30/13
shows since last: 75
musical key:   G
primary vocalist(s):   Nat Keefe
instrumentation:  [underline indicates "primary" instrument where multiple are listed]
Bryan:  bass
Nat:  guitar
Zachary:  mandolin
Aaron:  fiddle
Erik:  dobro

The soup's been cooking since noon
And the cornbread will be done real soon
For my Lulu
The table was set for two
The candle, the linen, the wine corkscrew
For my Lulu

Lulu, is there a place that you’d rather be?
Lulu, do you think that strangers have the sweetest candy?
Oh me, oh my…
This food is ready she’s nowhere to be found
And I’m here cooking while she’s out ramblin around

I saw this coming for awhile
But I couldn’t step away from that restless smile
From my Lulu
I am so sad to see
That another loose cannon has rolled over me
My Lulu

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