1: Swing & Sway; Sweet Honey Fountain > Desert Rat > Sweet Honey Fountain; Time's At Hand*; Up On Cripple Creek^; Golden Days; (Waiting For A) Squall#; Irish Medley 2; Song In A Can
2: Satisfy My Soul; community billboard; Pay Yer Dues; Hugs, Not Handshakes; Jackmormon Mother; Dear Old Dixie; Duncan; Tornadoes And Football*; Silas; Fox > Cluck Old Hen > Lighten Up Your Load; Deep Elem Blues$ > Lighten Up Your Load; Spider > Fox; Angeline The Baker > Cindy
E1: Brokedown; Cumberland Blues
* w/ Nat on drums ^ w/ Zac on guitar # w/ Nat on cymbals $ instrumental
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