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No Audio Available  May 15, 2009 (fri) - Caspar Inn - Caspar, CA ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings

1:  Every Stone We Lay; Lighten Up Your Load; Hugs, Not Handshakes; What To Do; Banjo Rock 'N' Roll; Blackberry Pie; Turning The Wheel; I've Just Seen A Face

2:  Naked Blue > jam > Naked Blue > Rather Be Blind; Pay Yer Dues; (The Ballad Of) Danny & Cleo; Be Kind Boys; Sleeping With The Guru*; Cumberland Blues^; Queen Elizabeth; Guns Or Butter; Desert Rat

E1:  Stories We Could Tell; Beneath The Blossoms

* Nat solo acoustic
^ w/ "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and "Hava Nagila" teases

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