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No Audio Available  September 22, 2007 (sat) - Mulberry Mountain Harvest Music Festival - Ozark, AR ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings

1:  James Santiaguel; Honey Be; Guns Or Butter; Beneath The Blossoms; Bliss Monkeys; Sweet Honey Fountain > Waterpocket Fold* > Sweet Honey Fountain; Small Axe^; June Apple#; Busted In Utah; Right Between Your Eyes > Blue Night%; Be Kind Boys$; Sugaree$

* unfinished; first section only
^ w/ Phil Ferlino (New Monsoon) on accordion, Bonnie Paine on washboard, Tim Carbone (Railroad Earth) on fiddle. Also with Johnny Grubb (Railroad Earth) bass trading w/ BCH.
# w/ Tim Carbone (Railroad Earth) on fiddle, Bonnie Paine on washboard, Bridget Law on fiddle
% w/ Vince Herman (Leftover Salmon, Great American Taxi) singing 3rd verse
$ w/ Josh Clark (Tea Leaf Green) on electric guitar

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