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No Audio Available  August 25, 2007 (sat) - Don Quixote's - Felton, CA ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings
- Derek Bodkin opened

1:  Come All Ye Who May; Honey Be; Hard Hearted; Time's At Hand; Be Kind Boys; Sing Me A River; You Ain't Goin' Nowhere; (Waiting For A) Squall*; Desert Rat^

2:  Small Axe; Kissin' Cousins; Always Be The Moon; Return Someday; California King; Up On Cripple Creek; Fox > Cold Frosty Morning# > Spider > Fox; Guns Or Butter; Bliss Monkeys

E1:  Beneath The Blossoms; Birds And The Bees; Howlin' At The Moon

* BCH broke bass string (G) in middle
^ w/ Derek Bodkin on guitar and vocals
# last "Cold Frosty Morning" was on 4/24/05 (407 shows)

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