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my.mbn user data: 6 attended this show; 0 have a recording. « prev | next »
No Audio Available  July 18, 2008 (fri) - private party - Salt Lake City, UT ADD to my.meltdowns  ADD to my.recordings

1:  Amanda Lynn; High On A Mountain Top; Wedding Day*; Hugs, Not Handshakes; Old Dangerfield^; Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue#; Backrooms Of My Mind; California Snow & Rain; Big River

2:  The Ballad Of Rodney & Helen@; Simple Twist of Fate%; June Apple$; Desert Rat; Sweet Honey Fountain > Virginia's Grin~ > Naive Melody (This Must Be The Place) > Waterpocket Fold > Sweet Honey Fountain; Rosalee McFall; Mingus; Cryin' Shame; Dovetail Joint > Sugaree

E1:  Into The Mystic

* for Colleen and Jason
^ last played on 6/16/2007 (150 shows)
# with Nat's Grandpa Buzz on vocals; last played on 2/21/2005 (560 shows)
@ with Uncle Rodney, Aunt Helen, and Charlie Midnight (clarinet); last played on 2/14/2006 (391 shows)
% first time played; Zac on vocals and guitar; started without Nat, then Nat on drums
$ with Savanna Agardy (12 years old, Utah state banjo champion) on fiddle
~ with "Happy Birthday" tease

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